Warm, plush, comforting, and soft, carpet has been loved for centuries and continues to be one of the most popular flooring solutions available to homeowners today. With its ability to absorb both sound and impact while warming any space, it's particularly popular in bedrooms and living spaces. Learn more about carpet below!
Types of carpet
Carpet varies in both look and feel, depending on its construction. Cut pile, for instance, is the most popular type of carpet, featuring sheared fiber strands with exposed ends. It is available in a variety of lengths and thicknesses, so you'll have a range of options to choose from. The twist of these fiber strands is key—the tighter the twist, the more texture and durability your carpet has.
With loop pile, the fiber is not sheared; rather, it features tight twisted loops that resist matting and crushing while creating unique patterns and texture. When choosing loop pile, be aware of pulled loops, which can snag and damage your carpet.
Finally comes cut and loop pile. This type seamlessly blends both sheared and looped strands for an intricate and unique look that features plenty of texture. This style is often used to create patterned looks.
Best rooms
for carpet
Low-traffic rooms, such as bedrooms, are the best for carpet. But with high-performance carpet, which includes many styles from Shaw, you can have great results in living rooms, basements, dining rooms, offices, and more.
Carpet care & maintenance
Carpet requires specific care and maintenance to keep it looking and feeling plush for many years to come. Fortunately, carpet care is simple enough to incorporate into your daily routine!